Socking Daddy in the nose
As Logged By: Agent West Daddy's sleeping on the floor Right where I like to play. Watching him is such a bore. Ooh, an idea, if I may. Should I swing my arm and Bop him on his toes Or should I smack him on the hand? I know, I'll sock him on the nose. I leave for one minute to make a farting teddy bear for Agent Rose and what do I come home to? Daddy asleep on the floor and snoring as loud as a boar. Apparently, I have been a little soft on him. Apparently, he thinks he can get away with falling asleep right where I like to play. I'm too diabolical to just go around him to get to my toys. This is a golden opportunity. A silver platter just waiting for my abominable touch. Should I toot my heinie right in his face? I've already done that to Mommy. Should I fill his pockets with cream of wheat? Perhaps another time. Ooh, what if I saw the floor out from under him? No, no, no. I don't know how to use a saw yet. What to do, what to do? Wait a minute... What