How to Drink Tea Diabolically

As Logged By: Agent Rose It is deliciously warm and a delight to drink. This tea tastes good and the cup I'll chew like a piece of meat. Beware or it'll be gone before you can blink. Just watch me drinking, that's the real treat! This mug is enormous! Don't let me drink it all before bed. Still, I think I am gorgeous When I tip myself back and it covers my head. I must confess! I'm only eight months old and I'm already addicted to tea! How? I'm supposed to be diabolical. I'm supposed to wreak havoc. My mission was to find something breakable and what better than a tea cup. But... one sip and I was hooked. It is delicious, it is stupendous! I don't care if it is herbal or green. But, there is a problem, a glitch in satisfying my addiction. Miss I'm-watching-out-for-your-health Mommy will only allow me a sip or two at a time. Do you know what a tease that is? To have a drop of sweet c...