
Diabolically Confused

 As Logged By: Agent West I have no clue what I did to make Agent Rose so livid. She really, really hates my guts, But I think she's going nuts. What to do to calm her temper? Give her a doggie that likes to whimper? Make a face to spark some laughter? Or will she throw my ball into the rafter?   Girls are crazy!   Yeah, I've grown accustomed to Agent Rose's cuteness.  I love the way she toots at her Auntie P.  Her giggles make me laugh until I go poopie.  And the diabolical way she drinks her tea is pure undercover sweetness.   Yes, yes.   I've grown accustomed to her cuteness.   BUT!   Let a diabolical cutie in your life..  and your sanity is through!   Yes, you'll toot your pants, but don't even consider having a diabolical dance, because she'll always be mad at YOU!   It's not about the diabolical deeds that I've completed with ease.   There's always something that is the matter with me!   Never, ever, EVER l...

Diabolical Cuteness

 As Logged By: Agent Rose I've been caught sneaking pie That was meant for the Diabolical Drei. Mommy thinks I want to eat it, When really I want to fling it! Agent West ignoring me? I'll get him back, you'll see! A pie in the face is such a classic. It's diabolicalness will be galactic! Nothing beats a Mississippi mud pie, especially when made with real, sticky and stinky mud. A few pebbles thrown in, too?   Why not?! A few blades of grass and a dead bug will make this pie a blast. Why am I making a pie like this?  Because that no good, meanie poop Agent West has decided that he's going to ignore me!  That's right, this pie is not going to Mommy and Daddy.  This pie is going to go straight to the Diabolical Drei headquarters, where I will smile diabolically cutely when Agent West takes a bite and promptly spits it all out. Or maybe... I'll throw it straight in his face! "Ooh, is someone making mud pie?"  Mommy coos and kneels down to sit with me o...

A Curious Turkey and Mashed Potatoes

 As Logged By: Agent Chase Mashed potatoes doesn't hit the spot Not even when their buttery and hot. I'm too distracted by Gobbles' right now To even think of eating this chow. His curiosity gives me an idea That might be funnier than diarrhea. Plops of mashed potatoes on the floor, Look like something Mommy would abhor. I do like mashed potatoes.  I really do. Especially, with so much butter melting right into those fluffy spuds.   But, whenever I try to take a bite, Gobbles calls out with his crazy, gurggly yelp.  Down to the floor my spoonful falls.  A complete accident, I assure you.  Except, it doesn't stop Mommy from giving me a hard time.   "Chase, that's enough throwing food onto the floor," she scolds.   If I was doing it on purpose, I could understand.  But, these are accidents.  Slips of the tatters.  All because of Gobbles.   "GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE!"  He squawks just when I decide to try again.   SPLAT!...

Adorably Diabolical with Toasted Marshmallows

 As Logged By: Agent West Have I stuck it in my hair? Or all along the back of the chair? Who doesn't love a toasted marshmallow, especially with some raspberry jello?! Mommy's screaming gives me a headache. I might have to make a jailbreak. Will smearing marshmallow on Mommy's face Turn her into a complete nutcase?    "Oh, no!  Not your hair!"  Mommy screeches and grabs her own hair, giving it a pull.  "West, how am I going to get that out?" Hehe. It started out with an indoor S'more bash.  It started with some marshmallows toasting over a miniature flame.  I might have smeared some on my face and gotten Mommy to laugh.  I might have grinned adorably, egging Mommy on to give me a few more. Now, I have marshmallow smeared all over my clothes and I have marshmallow smeared all over Mommy's, too. She tries to stop me, but I start to crawl away, smearing marshmallow on the carpet as I go. "No!  Not the floor!" It's a diabolical dude ma...

Diabolical New Year's Resolutions

 As Logged By: Agent Rose The new year has sprung at last With a party that was a blast. What to do with so much cake? That Mommy clearly didn't need to bake. The time has come for this undercover sweetie To be diabolical with Mommy's sweet tea. It needs a little extra flavor. Some added carrot that she can savor.  What a party!  What a blast!   We rang in the new year.  I partied so hard that I ran out of toots!   Now, morning has come and I am ready for some applesauce.   When I go into the kitchen, however, I am met with a sight that has me gasping in awe.   How many cakes did Mommy make?  Sure, we sang and cheered.  Sure, we invited family and friends.  Sure...   But, it wasn't that many people.   Cakes are stacked here.  Cakes are stacked there.  When did she make a double layer red velvet cake?  I don't remember seeing that last night.   And I thought the piles of Christmas cookies was too much. ...

Diabolically Snowed In

 As Logged By: Agent Chase My diabolical plans have gone awry. Thanks to the snow falling from the sky. Now, I'm stuck inside the house, Pouting like a sad, little mouse. Mommy wants to go outside? Go ahead, while I hide. It's much too cold for a ride. I doubt I'd love sledding more than the slide. A winter wonderland, they call it? Ba! Humbug! It's frozen snow piled high.  So high, that we can't drive anywhere.  So high, that the latest Diabolical Baby Brigade meeting has been cancelled.   Cancelled, I say!   Now, what is this diabolical mastermind to do?  I'm stuck inside the house without a stink bomb in sight.  I stare outside the window and watch the snow fall, fall, fall.  Faster and faster until the world completely disappears.   Ba!   Humbug!   "Okay, Chase.  You've moped and groaned for far too long.  You haven't even changed out of your mouse pajamas."   You would mope too, Mommy.  You certainly would....

A Diabolical Christmas Treasure Hunt

 As Logged By: Agent West Christmas morning had nothing under the tree Not a present was there for me. Except, for a single Easter egg. From some Captain Sneaky-Leg. That egg sent me on quite the chase. Hurry!  We must quickly make haste! This adventurous tale might never end If we don't find the X, my friend. It's here!!!!!!!!!! Wake up, you crazy parents!  Wake up! "WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" "Gugh," Mommy groggles.  "West, I'm coming." Finally, they're awake.  What's a baby to do on Christmas day?  Send a hoard of stink bombs their way? "Who's ready to open their presents?"  Mommy squeals as she picks me up. Is she serious?  I've been trying to wake her for minutes and she doesn't know if I want to open my presents or not?  Haven't I been a good baby for the last two days? Mommy carries me down the stairs.  I close my eyes, the suspense is threatening to make me toot. PPHHHHHRRRRRRTTTTTTHHHHHHTTT! "Eww, West.  M...