An ode to nap time

As Logged By: Agent Rose Agent Rose's Mom The time has come to sing thine song of whispering meadows and angels dancing happily along. Let thine eyes flutter fast asleep. No need for Mommy to make a sound. Escape not even a single peep. Oh, how I relish the quiet nap time with that first sigh of release and, possibly, a glass of wine Where I can sit back and rest mine limbs for much longer than a second and my mind can roam through many, many whims. Ones of running madly through a field or in a race where they throw dust paint, Which will cover me like a shield. Or of soaking in a bubble bath One that lasts until my eyelids droop As I bask in the moment I hath. Fear not, my precious baby. I’m still only in the other room. A single baby’s cry away But for these last few moments I shall relish in the peace of these quiet bestowments. WWWAAAHHHHHH! WWWAAAAAHHHH! WWWAAAAHHHHH! Oh well, dreams meant for another day Another time...