A New Year's poopy
As Logged By: Agent West Midnight is around the corner And I have a big one coming. I could be nice to Mommy and warn her, But that wouldn't be very cunning. A diaper makes a great New Year's hat, If I can get it over my head. What if there's a poopy in my hat? Could I still put it on my head? "In ten minutes, we'll be reigning in the New Year..." Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everybody's so excited about the coming new year. Party hats are adorned on every head and apple juice that looks a little bubbly is being poured around. Yet, I'm in my crib! What was my crime? I snuck a sip of the bubbly apple juice (which didn't taste like juice at all). There might have also been some gagging and puking, but that was not on purpose. Honest! Now I'm here, where I don't want to be. This diabolical dude is going to make Mommy and Daddy sorry. Should I steal their bubbled apple juice and hide it somewhere devilishly sneaky or prank call someone, like Daddy