Diabolical pickle payback
As Logged By: Agent West I so loved eating those nasty greens. The ones that tasted worse than sardines. It’s time for me to pay Mommy back In a way that just might make her crack! This has to be something truly diabolical And, how about, a little bit comical. A half eaten pickle I see. And a window as dirty as can be. Yuck, yuck, YUCK! I’m still trying to get that taste out of my mouth. I’ve had spinach before and loved it. I’ve eaten kale and handled it. What, then, did Mommy do to make those greens look, taste, and smell so bad!? Yuck! Make the disgusting taste go away! I need to get Mommy back after making me eat those nasty greens. Too bad I didn’t borrow a page from Agent Chase. I could have hidden a handful and given it to the Puppy! No, not even the Puppy would have eaten that congealed glob of green nastiness. I’ll still have to get her back, or my name isn’t Agent West: diabolical dude of spit bubble abominab